Monday, July 20, 2009

Getting the best out of your creative side

I am sitting here thinking why cant I come up with a creative and new solution to a problem that I see everyday. This should be easy for me after all I am a designer. I want to come up with something so creative and wonderful but I am getting nothing. Wondering how this can be happening to me, I stopped trying to push it and let it come naturally. By doing this I remembered something that I had learned long ago.

I can not come up with a positive solution while holding on to bunch of negative crap. The more I held on to the stuff that was bugging me, the harder it was to create. Sitting here with my self I realized that anyone can be creative and find unique solutions if they let go and open up to the possibilities. To create we must let go of our ideas and preconceived notions. How many times have we stumbled with a problem and a friend comes along with fresh eyes and like magic finds our solution. It's not that our friend is so smart, they just don't have any preconceived ideas about it. To them it is a blank canvas and it can become anything.

We all try so hard to force a solution and sometimes the answer is right under our noses. We were looking so hard that we couldn't find it. I challenge all of you to take that problem area of your yard, house or life and let go of it. See if the answer doesn't come to you when you least expect it. To be the most creative we have to let our minds open to new ideas and try them out. Stop being afraid and just do it. There is no right or wrong when you are creating. Everything is an expression of you and everyone has the ability to create something beautiful. Now lets all go make something fabulous!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Nation Water Gardening Month

July is national water gardening month. During this month there will be lots of activities to bring awareness to the wonderful hobby of water gardens. This hobby grows in popularity every year because of its relaxing qualities in today's hectic world.

Most people think of backyard ponds with a few goldfish and a water lily or two. While this is very common, water gardens have evolved into very high tec gardens of all types and sizes. With the advancement of pond filters maintenance is very easy and no longer requires the cleaning of pads. Pond pumps come in all shapes and sizes for both inside and outside of the pond and are more energy efficient and cost very little to run. With all the new technology a pond can be a very easy and affordable addition to any landscape.

Maybe a pond isn't what you had in mind, but you would love the sound of water. A pondless waterfall is just for you. The water falls into a basin that is covered with rock leaving no standing water. You get the best of both worlds, great sound and the enjoyment of watching the water without the worry of the open water. If you are short on space use a water basin with a decorative pot or stone on top for some added drama to your landscape.

During National Water Gardening month visit some events around your area and see what water gardening has to offer. Whatever you decide fits your lifestyle best, install one and let the sound of water drown out the world around you. It will be the best addition to your landscape yet.