I think I am asked on a daily basis how can I get great landscaping cheap. The answere is always the same, you can't. If you love the pictures in magazines and the model homes you tour you can have the same thing in your yard but it will not come cheap. Quality landscaping always has a big price tag because of the cost of the materials not the labor. There are ways that you can get it done cheaper but it will still cost.
The first and most important tip is do NOT sacrafice what you want. It is better to wait to get your dream landscaping then by choosing a different design, inferior quality or cheaper plants. If you settle now you will end up replacing what you did today at some point and you will have spent double the money. You know what you like and you like it for a reason so do not choose something based on the price tag.
The secound tip is to choose who does your work carefully. Some landscapers will charge you a lot for their labor and some are more reasonable. Labor is labor when it comes to most aspects of landscaping. This is not true of some of the specialty items like ponds or brick and stone work. know your company and compare their labor charges to others in the business. This however does not mean always go with the cheapest. Choose a well priced quality landscaper who will be in business tomorrow and stand behind their work. The guy down the street in the old truck that barely runs might not be your best choice.
Thridly, have an idea of what you are trying to acheive before you get started. If you want to do the work yourself consider hiring a designer to give you a base plan. It will save you a lot of money if you have a good solid plan and stick to it as much as possible. Be careful with your designer, they come in all price ranges. Know what you are getting before you agree to use them. A good landscape designer will provide you with a drawning and a plant list with plant names, colors, bloom time, size and shape. Once you have your plan it is ok to deviate a bit but be careful that you are not redoing work you have already done.
The final tip is if the budget is to tight, break the project into pieces and do one piece at a time. Do not omit a step to save money and get more done. For instance, don't skip the landscape fabric and put mulch down on the bare ground unless you are prepared to weed. It is not the landscapers fault that you have weeds in your mulch if you were too cheap to put it down.
With some forthought you will be able to save some money and still have a quaility landscape that you love without breaking the bank. Always remember you get what you pay for. For more money saving ideas check out our website cheapscapesnc.com.